Saturday, December 11, 2010

Even Cameras have Evolved!

Yes, I am old enough to remember the old Brownie camera.  I actually owned one and took it on many school and church activities, tickled to be able to "capture" a moment in time.

When I saw my first Polaroid camera that "spit" out the completed picture in just minutes, I thought I had died and gone to heaven...WOW!  Can this really be true?  I can take a picture and have it in my hands to show off to everyone without waiting weeks for the processing.

Then there came the disposable cameras, which I use often, even now, as they are quite economical.  The processing still takes a little while, but it is faster than it used to be. 

Now the modern cameras of today are complicated to use, require instruction and videos, but boy do they take wonderful pictures.  Well worth the extra expense in cost and the additional time spent learning how to use them.  The digital SLR cameras offer more precision with zoom lenses and often outlive the life of the camera.

And of course, there are the video cameras and mobile phone camera; all sophisticated, cute and fun to use.
No matter how you choose to take a picture these days, it is a sure bet that the quality of the photograph will be awesomely supberb to anything produced all those years ago. 

Go, get the family together, take that long-awaited for portrait and enjoy it on your next Christmas card.
Happy Holidays Everyone

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Been Away Too Long

Sorry, all:
Didn't realize I have been so busy with numerous other things that I completely forgot to update everyone.
Well, How do you like the new template for the Blog? Cool as a breeze, right?
I have been doing "my own thing" online, promoting and marketing other peoples' products, but as of today, have not seen a dime for my efforts. Oh, well, better not give up my day job, eh?

I am contemplating moving into a completely different direction...One that actually makes money. Will let you know how it goes.

Bye for now, but I will try to remember to post more often.
Thanks for reading.

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